Daily Bike Log Archives - 2003
This page is a record of rides that I did for 2003, and part of 2004. However, I got sick of updating this page every day, as well as logging all of my rides on BikeJournal. Consequently, I am no longer doing daily updates on this page. What I am doing now is a monthly update on my main Bike Log page. This page is just kept for historical reasons, and I really have no idea why anyone would really want to look through it, but who knows!
Date |
Distance (km) |
Time (hr:min:sec) |
Avg. Speed (km/hr) |
Max. Speed (km/hr) |
Odometer Reading (km) |
Ride Type |
Notes |
Bike |
May 4,2004 |
18.29 |
0:42:52 |
25.4 |
52.5 |
883.2 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. A pretty good ride! Saw another cyclist out on Erbsville Road near Conservation Line. Sunny and about 6 degrees. I really wouldn't mind getting rid of the long pants/sleeves about now, but it just doesn't seem to be happening! Oh well, very soon I will be complaining that it's too hot :)
| Road |
May 3, 2004 |
29.45 |
1:09:10 |
25.5 |
54.0 |
864.8 |
Rec. |
First "long" ride of the year. I'm back in Waterloo now, and did the Bamberg Loop1 (CCW) for the first time this year. This morning I bought two new tires (Continental Ultra Sport 25s) and a new tube (and also put on the other new one I had). So...the roady now has a full set of brand new tires and tubes--hopefully this will alleviate my flat problems! Only time will tell I guess. The distances are off a bit due to the different size of the new tires, but I don't think it's enough to bother resetting the computer. So...so it shall be. I was feeling ok today, despite being in terrible shape. Approx. 5.5 degrees, and a cool W wind.
| Road |
April 30, 2004 |
23.19 |
0:49:25 |
28.0 |
45.5 |
835.4 |
Rec. |
A fantastic ride. My longest ride so far this season, and feeling better than any other ride yet this
year! That's gotta be a good sign. I went to the landfill and back, and the wind wasn't too bad--about
10km/hr from the SW. My legs were feeling good, and I was in the big ring for quite a bit of the way home.
Great ride! About 20 degrees, and overcast.
| Road |
April 29, 2004 |
7.76 |
0:23:11 |
19.9 |
56.5 |
812.2 |
Rec. |
Went for a ride with Matt today. Met him at St.Patricks school, and took off up Bower Hill Rd. for a
hill workout. It was super rediculously windy, and we're both out of shape, so the ride
didn't continue for long. Coming back down hill and with the wind was great fun though!
| Road |
April 28, 2004 |
12.69 |
0:31:32 |
24.0 |
51.5 |
804.4 |
Rec. |
Went for a ride today after dinner. Just a quick jaunt to Curries, then back through the village on
the way home. Feeling not so great, but that coulda been because I went too soon after eating... oh well.
| Road |
April 26, 2004 |
14.89 |
0:34:33 |
25.7 |
38.5 |
791.7 |
Rec. |
Third ride of the year, and first of what should be a consistent
riding schedule. I'm now back from Ottawa, and am currently home in
Sweaburg for a week before I head back to Waterloo. I will be trying to
get out for a ride pretty much every day now, to get back into shape.
Check out those numbers to see how pathetic I am! Only average 25.7 for
<15km? How sad is that? I need to build up my endurance again, that's
for sure. :)
| Road |
April 10, 2004 |
15.48 |
0:37:27 |
24.7 |
36.0 |
776.8 |
Rec. |
Another sunny day, so went for my second ride of the year. Feeling pretty weak, but what can ya do? I will be back from Ottawa on the 25th of April, so will start doing more rides then to get back in shape! |
Road |
April 9, 2004 |
12.40 |
0:31:31 |
23.6 |
51.5 |
761.3 |
Rec. |
First ride of 2004!! I have been in Ottawa with no bike since Jan.3, and finally got home for the Easter weekend. I went for my first ride of the season, and felt pretty weak. Should have been keeping in shape in Ottawa, but I haven't been. Still, it was nice to get out for a very short ride. I went down to Curries and back. Beautiful sunny weather, and not too cold. |
Road |
December 29, 2003 |
22.85 |
0:47:55 |
28.5 |
46.5 |
748.9 |
Rec. |
A nice ride. Very sunny, but a bit windy (not too bad though). |
Road |
December 26, 2003 |
18.18 |
0:42:38 |
25.5 |
55.5 |
726.1 |
Rec. |
Happy Boxing Day! About 2 degrees, and a little bit windy. VERY sunny--so much so that I couldn't see for a while even with sunglasses. A little bit chilly on the toes again, but not too bad overall. |
Road |
December 22, 2003 |
19.69 |
0:48:21 |
24.3 |
52.0 |
707.9 |
Rec. |
About 4 degrees, but windy again. Feeling not so great, but still nice to get out regardless. Legs aren't used to riding two days in a row anymore I guess, especially with headwinds like this! Ah well, gotta get rides in while I still can. |
Road |
December 21, 2003 |
23.12 |
0:53:34 |
25.9 |
54.5 |
688.2 |
Rec. |
Sunny, and about +2C. Nasty headwind for the first 20 minutes, and had trouble keeping it above 20km/hr. Turned a 90 degree to the wind, and was able to manage 30km/hr, and then another 90, with the wind at my back, was able to cruise at 40+ fairly consistently. Tried out the foot warmer pads, and my feet stayed warm--not sure if they would have been cold without them though, as it was a fairly short ride. First ride with the front derailleur back on the bike too. Seems to be working fine, although may still need some minor adjustment. A nice ride overall. |
Road |
December 10, 2003 |
35.71 |
1:17:21 |
27.6 |
55.5 |
664.9 |
Rec. |
Super nice day out (at least temperature wise...6 degrees) but not sunny at all. Oh well! Still, had a great ride! I think the season's almost over, as the snow will be coming soon and staying, and I don't know if my toes can take cold weather like this! |
Road |
December 4, 2003 |
20.23 |
0:47:13 |
25.6 |
41.0 |
629.2 |
Rec. |
Well, I'm back home from Waterloo now, so took a ride through the countryside around here for a change. It's cold out (-2C when I left, 0C by the time I got back) and my feet are always cold when I get back from a ride. Boo. Other than that, it was a nice ride. I was a little tentative on the snow/ice covered parts of the road (fortunately they are few and far between) so my speed wasn't so high today. Oh well, still nice to get out when it's so nice and sunny! |
Road |
Sept.11 - Dec.4, 2003 |
224.76 |
11:02:02 |
20.33 |
48.5 |
2003.1 |
Misc. |
This is all the rides I've done on the Mountain Bike since September 11. Most of these were back and forth to school almost every day. The mountain bike's away for the winter now, so I won't be riding it again until school starts again in the summer. |
November 21, 2003 |
30.29 |
0:58:26 |
31.0 |
51.5 |
607.1 |
Rec. |
Beauty Ride! Went down through Petersburg, Baden, then back through St. Agatha. Very nice route! I think I'll add it to my list of rides, but should remember to avoid it at rush hour, as Erbs Rd. can be busy! Feeling like a million bucks today, and this weather is incredible! (10 degrees and sunny...) I broke out the shorts! |
Road |
November 20, 2003 |
41.79 |
1:28:37 |
28.2 |
48.5 |
576.8 |
Rec. |
Very nice ride. Sunny and warm! (9 degrees), so I decided to head out on the Bamberg Loop. Of course I forgot that Erbsville Road was closed as of yesterday, so followed the detour. After a bit I decided I was feeling great, so went all the way up to Elmira, cruised around there, then turned around and came back the same route. An excellent ride, but didn't have much energy for the last few kms... Overall it was great, and this weather is amazing! |
Road |
November 19, 2003 |
18.70 |
0:42:08 |
26.5 |
52.5 |
535.0 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. Got up to a warm 13 degrees and light rain. Put the blinky light on the road bike, since I left just after sunrise. Wasn't feeling too great, so just did the short loop :( Kinda wet, and actually got colder during the ride (9 degrees when I got home). Stupid weather ... |
Road |
November 9, 2003 |
30.17 |
1:07:22 |
26.8 |
52.0 |
509.1 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CW. Beautiful sunny day, 1 degree! First time this year I've seen ice on some of the ponds and standing water along the way. Gotta figure out how to get my toes to stay warm..stupid circulation :( |
Road |
November 7, 2003 |
29.76 |
1:07:31 |
26.4 |
55.5 |
478.9 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Fairly strong West wind, so made slow progress going that way, but flew back home pretty quickly. Overall a slow time, but not feeling too bad! 3 degrees and (partly) SUNNY! Very nice. It's supposed to snow tonite too.. I guess we'll see about that. |
Road |
November 5, 2003 |
18.75 |
0:42:12 |
26.6 |
54.5 |
449.2 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. Feeling really weak today, so just did the short loop. Boo... I guess I'll call it a recovery ride :) |
Road |
November 4, 2003 |
29.76 |
1:03:30 |
28.0 |
48.5 |
430.4 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CW. Fairly warm (5) and very humid. Heavy fog for most of the ride.. really have to get a blinky for the road bike... A pretty good ride, although heading E was against a headwind (not too bad though). |
Road |
November 2, 2003 |
29.77 |
1:06:02 |
27.0 |
50.0 |
400.6 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Very wet ride! Woke up to a moderate-heavy rain, and decided to head out and do the Bisch Loop. Ended up doing the Bamberg Loop, since I was soaked after the first five minutes anyway - wasn't going to get any wetter! |
Road |
October 31, 2003 |
44.99 |
1:26:20 |
31.2 |
68.0 |
370.9 |
Rec. |
Quite possibly my greatest ride ever--so far :) Fastest top speed ever--so far :) Second fastest average speed (and the fastest was on a much shorter ride!) What can I say? The weather is perfect, the ride was perfect, I am feeling fantastic.. it doesn't get any better than this! Had a bit of a headwind from the South on the way home, but kicked its ass :) |
Road |
October 29, 2003 |
30.15 |
1:03:05 |
28.6 |
52.5 |
325.9 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Early ride this morning. Warm (8 degrees) and foggy. Sunny near the end though. Feeling not too bad. Ate some oatmeal before the ride today, and didn't feel sick like Monday. Gotta get a blinky light for the road bike.. don't like dump trucks in fog :/ |
Road |
October 27, 2003 |
30.14 |
1:07:51 |
26.6 |
49.0 |
295.7 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Early ride this morning. Cool (2 degrees). Feeling really weak, most likely because I didn't have any breakfast, and had a big dinner last night. Felt kinda sick just before Bamberg, and drinking water made my stomach upset. Booo.... |
Road |
October 23, 2003 |
29.71 |
1:02:25 |
28.5 |
52.5 |
265.6 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW, plus part of the Bisch Loop on the way. 2 degrees when I left, and 3 when I got home. Nice and sunny for the most part though. Saw one other cyclist after Bamberg. Beautiful day.. feeling great! |
Road |
October 22, 2003 |
29.76 |
1:04:14 |
27.7 |
49.5 |
235.8 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CW, plus part of the Bisch Loop on the way home. I set off this afernoon, intending to do only the Bisch Loop, since it was quite cold (2.4 degrees). I got to Erbsville Church, where I stopped to put my toque on under my helmet. At that point I decided I was feeling pretty good, so started the Bamberg Loop instead of the Bisch Loop. Ended the loop, and thought I'd head down Bisch to extend it a bit! I was feeling great! Nice day, although I almost froze my toes off. Brrr... |
Road |
October 20, 2003 |
33.28 |
1:14:17 |
26.8 |
53.5 |
206.1 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW, plus a cruise around suburb hell on the west side of Erbsville Rd. Feeling really good today. The weather was amazing (13 degrees and sunny), so I went out to do the Bamberg Loop. Ended up feeling great after the loop, so took a slow tour of the new suburbs on the west side of Erbsville Rd. Man.. what a maze and all of the houses look the same. Definately not a place I'd like to live.... Feeling great for the whole ride. A great day. |
Road |
October 17, 2003 |
18.75 |
0:38:26 |
29.2 |
52.0 |
172.8 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. A week since my last ride. Boo... Feeling.. not so great (understandably). Had some hail and a bit of rain, but still got the shorts going. Feet were a bit cold though! |
Road |
October 10, 2003 |
28.38 |
0:55:28 |
30.6 |
51.0 |
154.0 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Forgot to reset the computer, and didn't notice until a few kms into the ride, so these stats don't include the first 1.7 or so kms. Wow.. it's amazing weather out for Oct.10! 23 degrees and bright and sunny! Hope this keeps up for the canoe trip! - leaving in T-minus 11.5 hrs :) Can't wait. Feeling pretty good, despite not riding much lately. I did ride a bit yesterday, but didn't reset the computer then either, so didn't record it. Other than that, nothing since Oct.6. Boo-urns to school work :( Anyway...legs were pretty dead on the last hill, but not feeling too bad. I (being the bonehead that I am) managed to strip the threads on the front dereilleur, so just took it off for now and only have use of the little 'ring now. BOO-URNS I am such a bonehead... |
Road |
October 6, 2003 |
18.76 |
0:37:47 |
29.7 |
49.0 |
123.8 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. First ride in way too long. Felt like crap (may partly be because I'm sick, but mostly because I haven't ridden in too long). Time was... ok though. Gotta stop making excuses not to ride... |
Road |
September 17, 2003 |
18.69 |
0:37:23 |
29.8 |
53.0 |
105.0 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. Nice day, but not feeling to energetic.. oh well! |
Road |
September 16, 2003 |
30.06 |
1:00:24 |
29.8 |
57.0 |
86.3 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Wow! Battled a stiff headwind for half of the way, but literally flew the second half (in part due to said wind). However! I think I've discovered the joys of the big 'ring on the roady..I was flying even up hills in the big ring and just feeling GREAT the whole time. Sweeeeet ride :) |
Road |
September 14, 2003 |
18.69 |
0:35:00 |
31.8 |
58.0 |
56.2 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. Went out at arount 5pm for a little spin. Averaged my fastest yet (love this road bike!) and felt good for the first while. Felt crappy on the way up the hill on Erbsville Rd on the way back though. I have troubles on the hills with such high gearing! OUCH :) |
Road |
September 13, 2003 |
36.39 |
1:16:49 |
28.4 |
65.0 |
37.5 |
Rec. |
Well, I bought another CatEye Enduro 2, and put it on my road bike. Went out for another ride on the roady, after fixing the flat tire the other day. After about 10kms today, guess what? Another flat! It was a snake bite, so I obviously didn't have enough pressure in the tire. Luckily I had purchased a spare tube and a mini pump, so I stopped on the side of the road. After only a minor struggle, I had the tube changed in about .5 hours. Not bad. My route today was up to Hawkesville, where I stopped for some Gatorade and Powerade - one of each :) Then turned around and came home. Hit a high of 65 km/hr on the descent of the big hill just outside of Hawkesville, and averaged 28.4 - man this road bike is fast compared to the MTB! A sweet ride all around (other than the flat). |
Road |
September 11, 2003 |
18.46 |
0:41:25 |
26.7 |
45.5 |
1777.1 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. Really felt like crap for most of the ride, and felt like I was going to throw up when I got home. Time was, surprisingly, faster than usual. What's up with that? A beautiful morning though, started off about 10 degrees, but never felt cold. Very nice sunny day. |
September 9, 2003 |
18.49 |
0:44:16 |
24.9 |
48.0 |
1758.7 |
Rec. |
The Bisch Loop3 CCW. Not a bad ride, but still not too much energy :( |
September 8, 2003 |
29.70 |
1:11:24 |
24.9 |
50.5 |
1740.2 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 CCW. Not feeling all that energetic today, but had a fairly good ride anyway. Some of those hills really are killer though! I felt funny spinning again after mashing on the road bike all last week. |
September 7, 2003 |
4.57 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
Just set off on a ride for the day. Decided I could sneak in a very short section of gravel road without too much damage to the road bike. Of course, I got a flat within one km on the gravel, even though I was conciously being very careful. Boo-urns. Walked the 4.57 km back home with the bike on my shoulder. Hmm...I guess that's a pretty good lesson.. But at least I have a fun project of fixing this flat. And from now on I'll carry a spare tube and pump too.. as soon as I buy them :) |
Road |
September 5, 2003 |
26.10 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
Sweaburg Road > Hwy 19 > Ingersoll > Karn Rd > Foldens Rd > Sweaburg Road > Home. A very nice ride. A bit of a head wind on the way home. Stopped at the Centerville Pond for a short break on the way by. |
Road |
September 4, 2003 |
23.20 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
A nice ride from home to the Oxford County Landfill near Salford. A little bit of a headwind on the way back, but other than that it was very nice. About 22 degrees, and fairly sunny the whole way. |
Road |
September 3, 2003 |
29.85 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
Down Dodge Line to the Gravel Pit, then up the 6th concession past the old house. Turned around at the highway, then back to Hwy 59, where I turned right and went to the Stage Road. Stage Road to Sweaburg Road, to home. A nice ride. Kind of foggy early on, but cleared up by the time I got about half way. Cool but humid. A great ride. |
Road |
September 2, 2003 |
21.2 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
In the morning I took a 11.7 km ride up Dodge Line, then across the 401, and then took the next right and ended up at the truck stop, then took Sweaburg Road back home. In the afternoon I took a short 9.5 km ride the other way down Dodge Line, then down through the gravel pit and back, stopping to get some corn for supper on the way home. |
Road |
August 29, 2003 |
19.29 |
0:45:16 |
25.5 |
42.0 |
1710.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. My last day on the job, and thus my last commute. :( It was a nice ride. |
August 28, 2003 |
19.23 |
0:47:49 |
24.1 |
48.0 |
1691.1 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A good ride all around. Quite chilly in the morning - should have worn longs sleeves... |
August 27, 2003 |
9.86 |
? |
? |
? |
1671.86 |
Commute |
The usual route2 in to work in the morning, but no ride home at night - got a ride and then went to a party instead. |
August 26, 2003 |
19.31 |
0:47:43 |
24.2 |
39.5 |
1662.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Not feeling too great today... no energy. Had a stiff headwind for part of the way home. |
August 25, 2003 |
19.29 |
0:46:15 |
24.9 |
49.5 |
1642.7 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Very fast this morning. Was stopped with another cyclist at a red light, and wanted to drop him, so started going fast. Looked down and I was doing 49! Feeling great. |
August 24, 2003 |
~17.95 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
The first "real" ride on the new road bike. It was a good workout on the hills - geared very different than the MTB. Oh well! Maybe I'll get in shape for real on this sucker :) It sure rides nice, but I get cramped hands, so I think I have to adjust my stem and saddle height still. No computer on this bike yet, so numbers are approx. |
Road |
August 23, 2003 |
55.02 |
2:15:03 |
24.4 |
46.0 |
1623.4 |
Rec. |
A fantastic ride. Went up to Wellesley, then NE on Hutchison Rd. to Crosshill, then E on Boomer Line to Kressler Rd. South on Kressler Rd. to Benjamin, and took the TCT from there. Met another cyclist on Boomer Line, and joined him to Heidelburg where he lives, then continued on my way. Had a nice chat with him. Stopped in Heidelberg for some Gatorade. Very enjoyable ride all around. Feeling fantastic, and could probably have done a lot more! |
August 22, 2003 |
19.29 |
0:45:29 |
25.4 |
46.5 |
1568.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. My sunglasses broke on the way home...boo-urns to that. Other than that, a fantastic ride with not too much traffic. |
August 21, 2003 |
19.26 |
0:49:47 |
23.1 |
44.5 |
1549.1 |
Commute |
The usual route in the morning, but on the way home I dropped by the school for a bit. It ended up the exact same distance though.. hmmm.. Felt really crappy (no energy) on the ride home, and was fighting a headwind. Not sure if the lack of energy was because of the wind or not..I'm guessing not. |
August 20, 2003 |
19.27 |
0:46:59 |
24.5 |
40.5 |
1529.8 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot :( Smoggy :( Knee is not feeling as bad as yesterday though... |
August 19, 2003 |
19.27 |
0:47:20 |
24.3 |
41.0 |
1510.5 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A very nice ride, although my stupid left knee is bothering me again.. :( Other than that - very good :) |
August 18, 2003 |
19.26 |
0:48:13 |
23.9 |
46.5 |
1491.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Not so hot out for once. I actually wore long sleeves in the morning! A pretty nice ride, although my legs aren't feeling to great for some reason... |
August 15, 2003 |
19.23 |
0:47:56 |
24.0 |
48.0 |
1472.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A fairly good ride. |
August 14, 2003 |
19.23 |
0:53:15 |
21.6 |
43.0 |
1452.7 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Due to the blackout, all the traffic lights were out.. causing complete chaos, since people don't know what a four way stop is. Most insane traffic I've ever biked in, and hopefully the worst ever. Not an enjoyable ride. REEEEALLY hot too... |
August 13, 2003 |
19.22 |
0:47:26 |
24.3 |
43.5 |
1433.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot hot hot HOT HOT. Eeeww I hate this weather! |
August 12, 2003 |
19.21 |
0:46:30 |
24.7 |
48.0 |
1414.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot hot hot. Humid Humid Humid! Make it stop! |
August 11, 2003 |
19.25 |
0:45:17 |
25.5 |
42.5 |
1395.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A pretty good ride. Really damn humid again! I got the road bike at lunch.. but I'm not going to ride it till I get some practise with the clippless pedals...I'll keep you updated! |
August 10, 2003 |
16.11 |
0:54:41 |
17.6 |
39.0 |
1375.7 |
Rec. |
A nice slow ride around Waterloo. Tried to get some air for my tires, but the UW Bike Shop air pump costs 25 cents.. and I had no money. The Sunoco gas station air pump was out of order. Boo.. I guess it's time to get a pump of my own (with both types of valve since I'm getting the road bike tomorrow! |
August 9, 2003 |
42.26 |
1:47:54 |
23.4 |
66.0 |
1359.6 |
Rec. |
Wow.. a great ride! The Route: Keats Way > Erbsville Road > Kressler Rd. > Weimar Line > Maplewood Rd. > Herrgott Rd. > Broadway St. (Hawkesville) > Followed the little trail along the W side of the Conestogo River for a while, until it turned behind some houses, then reversed back to Broadway St. again > Geddes St. (Hawkesville) > Ament Line (down the big hill, reaching my fastest speed ever of 66.0 km/hr!) > Hawkesville Rd. > Three Bridges Rd. > Lobsinger Line > Martin Creek Rd. > Benjamin Rd. > Trans Canada Trail at Westmount > TCT to Bearinger, then followed the trail along Bearinger to Laurelwood Dr. > Laurelwood Dr. > Fischer-Hallman Rd. N > Keats Way > Home! I felt pretty good the whole way, and although I didn't set any speed records, I am not complaining :) Temperature was about 24, and it was not too humid for a change! I saw about 6 or 7 other cyclists out and about. |
August 8, 2003 |
19.22 |
0:45:38 |
25.3 |
43.0 |
1317.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Not too much traffic on the way home - yay for Fridays! A pretty good ride overall... |
August 7, 2003 |
19.22 |
0:45:11 |
25.5 |
43.5 |
1298.1 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Disgustingly hot and humid...AGAIN :( Otherwise, a good ride. |
August 6, 2003 |
19.23 |
0:42:54 |
26.8 |
43.0 |
1278.9 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Disgustingly hot and humid...(23 degrees..humidex of 30) - just plain nasty in my opinion! Pretty fast though...my third fastest commute ever, and fastest in quite a long time! |
August 5, 2003 |
19.23 |
0:44:06 |
26.1 |
44.0 |
1259.7 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Got totally soaked on the way home, and looks like the rest of the week will be wet. |
August 1, 2003 |
19.21 |
0:43:52 |
26.2 |
41.5 |
1240.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot out again, but feeling great. |
July 31, 2003 |
19.21 |
0:43:41 |
26.3 |
43.0 |
1221.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Really fast morning, but probably below average ride home. Still came out pretty fast though! Feeling ok, but it's hot and humid-not my favourite weather by any means. |
July 30, 2003 |
19.20 |
0:45:19 |
25.3 |
42.5 |
1202.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Really really rediculously hot. A good ride though. Couldn't quite push up the Westmount Rd. hill as fast as usual, but oh well! |
July 29, 2003 |
19.19 |
0:45:13 |
25.3 |
44.5 |
1182.8 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot again. Feeling not too bad, after a crappy day at work. |
July 28, 2003 |
19.19 |
0:45:20 |
25.2 |
43.5 |
1163.6 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot again. Busted the cap on my water bottle :( |
July 25, 2003 |
19.21 |
0:45:42 |
25.2 |
46.0 |
1144.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot but a good ride. |
July 24, 2003 |
19.17 |
0:45:02 |
25.4 |
39.5 |
1125.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Wow. Really hot! Left work at 5:30 today since Dave and I spent some time taking pictures of his bike (that I'm thinking about buying). There was almost no traffic! What the heck?!? Anyway...a good ride :) |
July 23, 2003 |
19.16 |
0:43:39 |
26.3 |
46.0 |
1106.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A fantastic ride. Feeling really good tonite :) |
July 22, 2003 |
19.19 |
0:45:38 |
25.1 |
45.5 |
1086.8 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A good ride. Looks like I may have beat a pretty big storm on the way home. We'll see if it starts to pour! |
July 21, 2003 |
19.17 |
0:45:17 |
25.3 |
39.0 |
1067.6 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Very nice ride. Got to work, and followed the TdF as Lance Armstrong took the stage (after falling even!)Then, on the way home, got a bit wet, as it was raining the whole way. However, it was nice and warm and very refreshing in fact. |
July 20, 2003 |
6.22 |
0:19:17 |
19.4 |
37.0 |
1048.4 |
Rec. |
A short, slow evening cruise through the neighbourhood. |
July 19, 2003 |
33.51 |
1:12:52 |
27.5 |
60.0 |
1042.2 |
Rec. |
A fantastic ride through the country (Bamberg to St. Clements to Heidelberg and back). Hit my fastet speed ever recorded (60km/hr!) down a pretty big hill (and cranking in the big 'ring) and also my fastest on the flats (51! in my highest gear and going like hell). Felt like crap for the first 20 mins, but after that I was feeling 110% and picked up the speed. Also clocked my highest average speed of 27.5! Saw a rider (passed her at Columbia St) doing the Bamberg Loop (opposite direction as me this time) and passed her again later as she was heading to Bamberg. Also saw 6 or so other riders at various times. What a great day to ride :) |
July 18, 2003 |
19.18 |
0:45:14 |
25.3 |
44.5 |
1008.7 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A nice ride, and I passed the 1000km mark on my computer! Woo-hoo! |
July 17, 2003 |
19.16 |
0:45:33 |
25.1 |
44.5 |
989.5 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Feeling pretty crappy this afternoon, after a very good (fast) ride to work the morning. |
July 16, 2003 |
19.20 |
0:45:17 |
25.3 |
46.0 |
970.3 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Beauty ride all around :) |
July 15, 2003 |
19.16 |
0:47:29 |
24.2 |
42.0 |
951.1 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Nice in the morning, but very wet on the way home. Felt kinda nice though. |
July 14, 2003 |
20.46 |
0:50:04 |
24.4 |
41.0 |
932.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Took a spin around the block a couple times when I got home to try to adjust my shifting a bit... |
July 11, 2003 |
19.15 |
0:45:21 |
25.2 |
44.0 |
911.5 |
Commute |
The usual route2.Nice ride in, but wet and windy on the way home. |
July 10, 2003 |
19.14 |
0:45:10 |
25.3 |
46.5 |
892.3 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Feeling really good today - had a bit of rain on the way home, but it wasn't coming down too hard. Still warm enough, although very tolerable. |
July 9, 2003 |
19.13 |
0:45:59 |
25.0 |
44.5 |
873.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Pretty decent day. Hot enough for me, but it was actually a bit cool in the morning. |
July 8, 2003 |
19.12 |
0:45:09 |
25.3 |
43.0 |
854.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Not so special morning, but a great ride home! |
July 7, 2003 |
10.47 |
0:32:14 |
19.3 |
34.0 |
834.9 |
Rec. |
Another slow evening ride to check out the neighbourhood. |
July 7, 2003 |
19.13 |
0:43:31 |
26.3 |
42.0 |
824.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Not a bad ride for a Monday. Missed the rain this morning, and it was dry by the time I came home! |
July 6, 2003 |
10.64 |
0:27:04 |
23.5 |
39.5 |
805.3 |
Rec. |
Went for a "Sunday Drive" this evening around the neibourhood. It's hot out, but cooler than this sauna I call my bedroom. Beautiful evening, and lots of people out and about walking, cycling, playing basketball, swimming, etc. |
July 5, 2003 |
34.60 |
1:45:17 |
16.6 |
44.0 |
794.6 |
Rec. |
What a fantastic day! Went to Braun's Cycle yesterday, and bought myself some degreaser, lube, and my first pair of real cycling shorts. Spend this morning cleaning and lubing my bike, and then went for a ride. I took the TCT until I hit the "Health Valley Trail," which I followed to St. Jacobs, then turned the other way and followed it to University Ave. I had never been on this trail before, and it's quite nice - follows the Conestogo River. No land speed records today, due to the trails (as opposed to roads). Had a very heavy rain for about 10 mins, but it soon stopped and everything was almost dry by the time I got home. What a great day (and also the first day of the TdF!) |
July 4, 2003 |
19.12 |
0:43:22 |
26.4 |
50.0 |
760.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Hot again! Felt good after my slow day yesterday! |
July 3, 2003 |
19.13 |
0:47:59 |
23.9 |
38.5 |
740.9 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Took it slow today to see how much of a difference it makes. Ended up sweaty still, but not so dead. |
July 2, 2003 |
19.11 |
0:44:01 |
26.0 |
43.0 |
721.8 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Really hot. |
July 1, 2003 |
19.10 |
0:44:19 |
25.8 |
41.0 |
702.7 |
Commute |
The usual route2.Really hot. Busy on the TCT because of the Canada Day celebrations. Less traffic on the road though - especially in the morning. |
June 30, 2003 |
~24.5 |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Rec. |
I was at home, and didn't have my bike with me, so this ride was on my brother's bike (with no computer, hence the "?"'s). I measured on the map, and came up with a very rough estimate of 24.5 km. I rode out past our old property in the country to check out the new house that's being built there. |
Bro's |
June 27, 2003 |
19.09 |
0:43:56 |
26.0 |
52.0 |
683.6 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A pretty good ride. |
June 26, 2003 |
19.09 |
0:45:15 |
25.2 |
42.0 |
664.5 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Good fast ride in. Ride home was very windy, and rain began in the last 5 mins of the ride, but never did amount to much. |
June 25, 2003 |
19.08 |
0:43:33 |
26.2 |
49.0 |
645.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Really damn hot again! Had a bit of knee pain in my upper left knee on the way home, so took it easy. |
June 24, 2003 |
19.11 |
0:42:12 |
27.1 |
43.0 |
626.3 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Really damn hot again, but for some reason that seems to make me faster.. ? |
June 23, 2003 |
19.10 |
0:42:45 |
26.7 |
45.5 |
607.1 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Really damn hot (36.2oC, with a relative humidity of 58oC! The first Smog Alert of the year too! |
June 18, 2003 |
19.11 |
0:42:27 |
26.9 |
44.5 |
588.0 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Made really good time because I'm excited to leave for my canoe trip (leaving RIGHT NOW!!!) |
June 17, 2003 |
19.10 |
0:44:23 |
25.7 |
40.5 |
568.9 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Took it pretty easy on the way home, but still made pretty good time.. what gives? |
June 16, 2003 |
19.09 |
0:44:04 |
25.9 |
48.0 |
549.8 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Just about as hot as I can stand (21oC) - and it's not even hot out yet :) |
June 13, 2003 |
19.08 |
0:43:39 |
26.2 |
41.0 |
530.7 |
Commute |
The usual route2. A pretty good ride. |
June 12, 2003 |
19.10 |
0:44:13 |
25.8 |
47.0 |
511.6 |
Commute |
The usual route2. Nice on the way in, kinda wet on the way home - but not raining. Adjusted the cyclometre, so distance seems to be slightly off from before. We'll see if it stays that way. Bike seems to be working much quieter now thanks to McPhails. |
June 10, 2003 |
14.02 |
0:31:23 |
26.8 |
43.0 |
491.9 |
Commute |
The usual route2 in to work, but after work I went straight down King St. to drop off the bike at McPhails for a tune up (to hopefully get rid of the creaking/clicking/grinding noises I've been having) |
June 9, 2003 |
23.38 |
0:54:42 |
25.5 |
44.5 |
477.8 |
Commute |
The usual route2, followed by a trip to school and back for the Outers Club meeting |
June 6, 2003 |
19.21 |
0:45:25 |
25.5 |
44.5 |
454.4 |
Commute |
The usual route2 - hot in the afternoon. Feeling pretty tired. Dave took the bike for a spin around the parking lot at lunch to see if he could find any problems. |
June 5, 2003 |
19.00 |
0:42:56 |
26.4 |
43.0 |
435.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2 - overcast and dreary, but a surprisingly good ride. Legs are feelin a bit rough though - just about ready for a day off I think |
June 4, 2003 |
19.00 |
0:44:29 |
25.5 |
48.0 |
416.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2 - unusual headwing (east) this morning, but not too bad. Of course it blew in the rain/wind/cool crap weather I had on the ride home... |
June 3, 2003 |
19.02 |
0:42:52 |
26.6 |
44.5 |
397.2 |
Commute |
The usual route2 - cloudy but warmish. Legs are feeling a bit sluggish, but time is looking pretty good |
June 2, 2003 |
19.01 |
0:44:00 |
25.9 |
42.5 |
378.1 |
Commute |
To work and back via the usual route2 - feeling pretty good. Fast morning, not so fast evening (had to stay late at work..kinda stressed out... getting hot out (19oC).. bit of a headwind...) |
June 1, 2003 |
29.16 |
1:09:23 |
25.1 |
55.0 |
359.1 |
Rec. |
The Bamberg Loop1 - good fast day, feeling great, fantastic sunny weather, about 13oC |
1 The Bamberg Loop is a loop that I read about on the Waterloo Cycling Club's website. I extended the route, starting at my house (on Midwood Cres. in Waterloo) and taking Keats Way west to Erbsville Road. I then travelled North on Erbsville Road, until it ends at Kressler Rd. Then, North on Kressler Rd. to Hessen Strasse, west on Hessen Strasse to Moser-Young Rd. From there, I went south on Moser-Young to the village of Bamberg, turning east there onto Weimar Line. From there, it's back to Kressler Rd, and return via Erbsville and Keats Way again. There's some pretty good hills on this route. There are quite a few cyclists on this route, and I generally see them travelling the opposite direction than described above. I'm not sure if the opposite direction has more or less hills. I would say that it is about equal either way, but I haven't tried both yet.
2 My usual commute follows Keats Way east to McDougall, then McDougall to the path and down to Westmount Road. Then N on Westmount to Columbia, where I hit the TransCanada Trail north through UW's North Campus. Then it's out to Westmount Rd. N, and follow it (soon becomes Northfield Dr.) east until Colby Dr, where I head N, then immediately E again, and curve around until Northland Dr, which I take across King to Bathurst, which is where I work. Home is simply the same route in reverse.
3 The Bisch Loop goes from Keats Way to Erbsville Rd, which I follow N until it ends. From there, I go north on Kressler Rd for a bit, until I reach Benjamin Rd, which I take E to Bisch St. Bisch goes South back to Erbsville and home.